Running with God
Today I was fortunate enough to go for a run in this wonderful warm weather. I decided to change my running route today from the normal Bardstown Rd. loop to a near by graveyard. Driving past this graveyard everyday to work made me curious as to how big it was so I thought what a better way to find out than to run through it. So, I set out on my run with my room key and ipod and not much else. I got to the entrance of the graveyard and at this point was beginning to warm up, sweat a little bit so I was feeling good. I finally run through this beautiful gateway and am astonished by the size of the graveyard I am beholding. It is beautiful inside, there are flowers blooming everywhere and wonderful statues of the saints and Mary.

I set off to my right at a nice steady pace and become aware of my surroundings... nothing... no people or cars in sight... just me and the souls resting there. Eventually as I get deeper into this graveyard the noises from the cars and houses cease and all is calm. It was then that I noticed the presence of God. The song playing on my ipod was singing "what do you want from me..." I was running down a hill, the wind was blowing in my face, and there were more Mary statues than I had ever seen. I felt as though God was running there with me. I began to observe all of the different forms of Mary statues and began to feel a tingling in my hands as well as a few small tears fall softly down my cheeks. I knew God was there. It was such a happy moment in my run I felt sort of like I was flying just, being with God.
Finally I was rounding the last turn and was beginning to come to my senses and realize that I was smokin hot and thirsty as all getout. I saw the final stretch out of the graveyard and I decided a prayer was needed to help me on my way home.
This is what came to my mind:
Dear quiet souls of heaven carry me out on angel's wings. Amen
I said this over and over, as I did the wind picked up and I got my one last wind that carried me on out of the graveyard and on my way home. Today I felt the presence of God in the most peaceful yet unnerving way on my run through the graveyard of St. Agnes. In closing I would like to say: Dear God, I LOVE YOU. Amen
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